Last 30 Day News Coverage of Riots and Protests by Country

Article Sociology

A ranked list of countries covering riots and protests in the news over the last 30 days. Last sampled May 6, 2021. Source data refreshed weekly.

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value count callbackQuery
United States 494 type:Article tags.label:or(...
India 43 type:Article tags.label:or(...
United Kingdom 32 type:Article tags.label:or(...
Japan 14 type:Article tags.label:or(...
Nigeria 8 type:Article tags.label:or(...
Taiwan 7 type:Article tags.label:or(...

Records sampled from original dataset

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Sign in to the Dashboard or enter the following into the query parameter of your API request.

type:Article tags.label:or("riot", "protest") date<30d facet:publisherCountry

Field Notes

The callback query field of each country row will search for actual news articles within the same constraints for that country. The query looks something like this:

type:Article tags.label:or("riot", "protest") date<30d strict:publisherCountry:"United States"

As with all KG queries, all parameters are completely customizable. See the DQL docs.

What's a query?

Queries (or DQL) are representations of a search and filter sequence through the Diffbot Knowledge Graph to obtain a dataset. They generally start with an entity type declaration (i.e. Organization) and is narrowed further by adding more field specifications.

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