Global Mid-Market
Software Companies

Organizations Market Intelligence Market Research

~46,600 software companies between 100 to 1000 employees

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name homepageUri allNames industries location_city_name location_country_name description foundingDate_str
Meetup Meetup,Meetup, Inc.,밋업,Meet... Educational Organizations,O... New York City United States of America Meetup, Inc. operates as an... d2002-06-01
Momentum Telecom Momentum Telecom,Momentum T... Media And Information Compa... Birmingham United States of America Momentum Telecom Inc. provi... d2000-01-01
The Linux Foundation The Linux Foundation,Linux ... Software Companies,Open Sou... San Francisco United States of America The Linux Foundation (LF) i... d2007-01-22
FINDASENSE Findasense,Findasense Españ... Software Companies,Artifici... Madrid Spain We are a global Customer Ex... d2007-05-07
Freistaat Bayern freistaat Bayern,Freistaat ... Software Companies Germany freistaat Bayern is an info...
Lockheed Martin Information... Lockheed Martin Information... Software Companies,Informat... Lockheed Martin Information...

Records sampled from original dataset

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type:Organization nbEmployeesMin>100 nbEmployeesMax<1000 industries:"Software Companies" not(industries:"Educational Companies") not(has:parentCompany) not(has:acquiredBy) revSortBy:nbActiveEmployeeEdges
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