Diffbot-sponsored libraries
We commissioned and monitor the following libraries from our stellar group of community developers. All libraries are available via our Github repository.
- ActionScript3
- Bash
- C
- C++
- C#
- Clojure
- Coffeescript
- D
- Dart
- Delphi
- Erlang
- Excel
- Groovy
- Go
- Google Apps
- Haskell
- Java
- Javascript
- Common Lisp
- Objective C
- Ocaml
- Octave
- Perl
- Powershell
- Prolog
- Python
- Rust
- Scala
Contributed libraries
Thanks to the following developers for open-sourcing their own Diffbot client bindings.
- Node.js - from OnSwipe
- .NET - from NLP geek-trepreneur Wesley Tansey
- C# - from Chris Choyce, creater of Pistashio
- Clojure - from rockstar hacker Wei Hsu
- Dart - Dart client by Claudio d'Angelis
- Java - from Alessandro Leite
- Java - from Pierre-Denis Vanduynslager, featuring multiple HTTP implementation, multiple JSON parsing, and Article / Frontpage / Batch API support
- Java Crawler (Follow and Article APIs) - from Valentin Morev
- Perl - by Bruno Martins
- Python - generously contributed by Nik Cubrilovic, updated by Adomas Paltanavicius
- Python - pypi package by Andrey Popp
- Python - by David Torres
- Plone integration - by Alin Voinea
- Ruby - by Nicolas Sanguinetti
- Ruby - by Anurag Mohanty
- PHP and symfony bundle by Laurent Sarrazin